Celebrating 25 years producing The Absolute Best Firefighting Training Software Available!
Please try our latest release dated 9/15/15 RF for Windows.
Is this promotion the opportunity of a lifetime? Then why risk
not being prepared? With Rapid Fire software you can practice taking
the type of test that will give you the confidence and knowledge
you need to succeed.
Scoring higher on firefighter exams is not out of reach when you've
been studying the same information that is on the tests. Challenge
yourself with customized test over the materials YOU need.
Rapid-Fire is all about function over form. We could put a flashy
graphical interface on our software but the bottom line is that
it won't help you when studying for your tests. As the saying goes,
practice makes perfect. Rapid-Fire is just that.
Rapid-Fire is specifically designed to test your knowledge with
questions similar to those on real tests. Sometimes, knowing what
(and how) questions are asked can make the difference between a
passing and a failing grade.