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Anthony Avillo Fireground Strategies 3rd

Introduction 9
Incident Command I: Strategic considerations of size-up 43
Incident Command II: Arrival reports and resource requirements 79
Incident Command III: Fireground organization, ongoing communications, and post control activities 53
Strategic considerations of heat transfer 61
Strategic considerations of building construction 150
Strategic modes of operation 65
Private dwelling fires 88
Multiple dwellings 124
High-rise operations 74
Contiguous structures: Row houses, garden apartments, and townhouses 51
Small commercial occupancies: Mixed-use occupancies, taxpayers, and strip malls 67
Large commercial and storage occupancies 93
Strategic considerations for vacant and renovated structures 60
Limited intervention incidents: Strategic considerations of the first responder 27
Fostering a culture of safety 87
Conclusion 11
Number of Questions (50 max)
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