Select Chapters

Please deselect all those chapters that you do not want included in the generated test.

Jones and Bartlett Fundamentals of Fire Fighter Skills 2nd

The History and Orientation of the Fire Service 34
Fire Fighter Safety 103
Fire Service Communications 40
Incident Command System 38
Fire Behavior 42
Building Construction 56
Portable Fire Extinguishers 59
Fire Fighter Tools and Equipment 31
Ropes and Knots 52
Response and Size-Up 33
Forcible Entry 56
Ladders 53
Search and Rescue 46
Ventilation 70
Water Supply 33
Fire Hose, Nozzles, Streams and Foam 122
Fire Fighter Survival 31
Salvage and Overhaul 46
Fire Fighter Rehabilitation 17
Wildland and Ground Fires 27
Fire Suppression 55
Preincident Planning 32
Fire and Emergency Medical Care 16
Emergency Medical Care 105
Vehicle Rescue and Extrication 41
Assisting Special Rescue Teams 41
Hazardous Materials- Overview 8
Hazardous Materials- Properties and Effects 35
Hazardous Materials- Recognizing and Identifying the Hazards 26
Hazardous Materials- Implenting a Response 9
Hazardous Materials- PPE, Scene Safety and Scene Control 38
Hazardous Materials- Response Priorities and Actions 21
Hazardous Materials- Decontamination Techniques 16
Terrorism Awareness 29
Fire Prevention and Public Education 19
Fire Detection, Protection and Suppression Systems 56
Fire Cause Determination 31
Number of Questions (50 max)
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