Select Chapters

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Brady Paramedic

Roles and Responsibilities of the Paramedic 14
Emergency Medical Services Systems 31
Medical-Legal Considerations of Emergency Care 11
EMS Communications 15
Rescue Operations 19
Major Incident Response 25
Stress Management in Emergency Services 15
Medical Terminology 23
Anatomy and Physiology 31
Comprehensive Patient Assessment 58
Airway Management and Ventilation 89
Pathophysiology of Shock 54
Emergency Pharmacology 98
The Kinetics of Trauma 38
Head, Neck, and Spine Injury 46
Body Cavity Trauma 30
Musculoskeletal Injuries 22
Soft-Tissue Trauma and Burns 33
Shock Trauma Resuscitation 19
Respiratory Emergencies 30
Cardiovascular Emergencies 109
Endocrine and Metabolic Emergencies 14
Nervous System Emergencies 31
Gastrointestinal, Genitourinary, and Reproductive Systems 20
Anaphylaxis 9
Toxicology and Substance Abuse 35
Infectious Diseases 20
Environmental Emergencies 25
Emergencies in the Elderly Patient 18
Pediatric Emergencies 31
Gynecological Emergencies 12
Obstetrical Emergencies 30
Emergency Management of the Neonate 12
Behavioral and Psychiatric Emergencies 15
Precautions on Bloodborne Pathogens and Infectious Dieseases 3
App. 12 Lead ECG Monitoring and Interpretation 15
Number of Questions (50 max)
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